6 Resources for HR Managers and Small Business Owners
CoAdvantage- HR is a fast-moving and challenging field that can be overwhelming, especially when non-HR people are handling HR tasks (as is the case at startups and small businesses where the owner often handles many HR-related activities personally. Where can you find information and support for managing the wide array of HR duties – payroll, benefits administration, employment law compliance, etc.? Fortunately, resources abound. Here are six of the best.
1: The Society for Human Resource Management
One of the most respected HR sites on the Internet, SHRM is a repository for all things HR: news, training, resources, tools, and more. With more than 250,000 members, SHRM is the largest association in the world devoted to human resource management, and it has the extensive depth and breadth of knowledge resources to prove it.
2: Government Agency Websites
The regulatory agencies that oversee business operations are full of information and guidance about HR compliance law and requirements. (DOL, IRS, CMS, Treasury)
3: Social Media
Social media can be a great resource for finding news, advice, support, and wide-ranging HR-related conversations with peers and colleagues. LinkedIn, the social media site for professionals, offers HR-specific interest groups like Linked:HR and/or Human Resources Professionals Worldwide. Similarly, HR Twitter can be a valuable resource. Look for tags related to #humanresources.
4: Books and Articles
There’s an amazing amount of scholarship around human resources. Book-reading social site Goodreads even has an entire genre dedicated to human resources. For academic publications and studies, use Google Scholar, the academic search engine for the latest formal research.
5: HR Courses and Webinars
There’s no shortage of classes for HR professionals, including certificate programs offered by organizations like SHRM. In a fast-moving field like HR, where forward-looking skills are emerging every day, staying on top of training is critical. Available courses include free and paid; single session to multi-session; and certificate and diploma programs. Try SHRM Webcast or Udemy classes (Personal or Organization plans).
6: Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)
PEOs are an excellent way for business owners and small HR departments to supplement their own efforts by bringing on board enterprise-grade HR experts and resources at economy-of-scale, small-business pricing. PEOs can often customize their services so they can take on as much or as little as the business prefers.
CoAdvantage, one of the nation’s largest Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), helps small to mid-sized companies with HR administration, benefits, payroll, and compliance. To learn more about CoAdvantage’s ability to create a strategic HR function in your business that drives business growth potential, contact us today.