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11 Ways to Build Your Dream Team Through Interviewing & Hiring

Written by CoAdvantage | Jun 11, 2024 1:45:20 PM

Interviewing is a cornerstone of the recruitment process; it’s the only way to truly understand whether a job candidate will be a good match for both the specific job role and the company as a whole. But it’s also an activity rife with potential for missteps. Plus, it’s resource-intensive: on average, recruiters spend as much as two-thirds of their total hiring time on interviews!

Finding ways to make interviews both more efficient and more effective will improve the recruitment process as a whole and help organizations to successfully build a dream team. Here are 11 ways to do just that.

1. Leverage Technology to Increase Efficiency 

Advancements in technology have transformed the recruitment and hiring process. For example, about 59% of recruiters who use interview scheduling software report a reduction in interview time by 2-10 hours weekly. By automating the scheduling of interviews, reminders, and follow-ups, team members can focus more on the job interview itself rather than the logistics, streamlining the entire process.

Similarly, AI can help. AI can streamline the screening process by analyzing resumes to identify candidates who closely match the job requirements. This not only saves time for recruiters but also allows them to identify candidates and their skill sets who are a good fit for the company's need. Additionally, AI-powered tools can assist in crafting compelling job descriptions tailored to attract top talent.

Keep in mind, AI tools shouldn’t fully displace humans from interviews—and they especially shouldn’t be used to make executive hiring decisions instead of humans—but they can definitely help with interview prep and question generation.

2. Focus on the Right Metrics for Quality Interviews

If recruiters can reduce the total number of interviews—conducting fewer, better targeted interviews—they can improve the interview-to-hire conversion rate. The most efficient sectors in the job market see 69% fewer applicants per hire and maintain a 12-17% interview-to-hire conversion rate.

More applicants per hire and facing a lower conversion rate means inefficiencies are dogging the interview process. So, improving these metrics will enable recruiters not only to save time but also to ensure that each interview conducted is more likely to lead to a hire, optimizing recruitment efforts.

3. Evaluate the Pass Rate to Improve Interview Success

To tackle the interview-to-hire conversion rate, first look at the “pass rate,” or how many candidates make it to the interview stage. A very high pass rate might indicate inadequate initial screening, leading to wasted time on unsuitable candidates.

Conversely, a very low rate could mean missing out on potential talent. As a benchmark, aim for a pass rate of 30-50%. This figure strikes a balance between ensuring a quality candidate pool without overwhelming recruitment staff.

4.  Optimizing Candidate Numbers with the Secretary Problem

This classic optimization problem helps to mathematically decide the optimum number of candidates to interview. We’ll spare you the detailed math; in effect, the solution suggests stopping interviews after finding the best candidate who is superior to the first 37% of potential candidates. This doesn’t guarantee you’ll pick the best candidate out of all available candidates, but it mathematically maximizes the probability that you will do so.

That said, practical application varies. Sometimes hiring managers don’t have the luxury of conducting as many interviews as this might require. According to one survey, many recruiters find that the best candidate often emerges after just three interviews. Regardless, both approaches suggest a pragmatic approach to interviewing: don’t over-interview.

5. Don’t Ask Questions the Resume Answers

In the interview itself, focus on applied use of skills. A LinkedIn report shows that 75% of interviewers ask behavioral interview questions to assess soft skills and 58% ask situational questions to assess how the candidate works under specific situations and contexts. Alternatively, or additionally, recruiters can have interviewees complete sample work assignments; 84% of recruiters say it’s an effective interview technique. The key is to use the interview to build upon information already provided in the resume and other materials, rather than just rehashing them.

6. Foster a Collaborative Interview Experience

Treat interviews as two-way conversations rather than interrogations. Remember: interviewees are assessing your company as much as recruiters are assessing them. This may not matter as much for less desirable candidates, but the top candidates are going to be in-demand. This is the Catch-22 of recruiting: the applicants you don’t care about as much are the ones most likely to accept an offer immediately.

The applicants you do want the most are going to be less likely to accept because they have a lot more options and probably other job offers. Making the interview collaborative will foster a better experience for the candidate and make them more likely to favor you.

7. Prepare Thoroughly by Researching Candidates

Another way to foster a better candidate experience: preparing for interviews by researching candidates thoroughly. Analyzing resumes, cover letters, and even social media profiles helps produce tailored questions that are more probing and insightful. This will yield a more informative interview for recruiters and a better experience for the candidate. Remember, if we’re treating the interview process as reciprocal and collaborative, if you want them to be prepared, you need to be prepared.

8. Maintain Post-Interview Communication

Then, after the interview, stay in touch with the candidates. Regular updates can keep the candidates engaged and interested in the position, enhancing your employer brand and the attractiveness as an employer. This is especially true in competitive job markets, but even if the labor market is in oversupply (so you have your pick of candidates), you want to make sure you remain attractive to the best candidates—those who will be highly in demand no matter market conditions.

9. Adapt Communication Styles

To enhance the communication effectiveness, tailor your approach to match the preferences of candidates, especially those who are younger or tech-savvy. Many might prefer texting over traditional methods like emails, phone calls, resulting in more responsive and efficient communication.

Additionally, consider adapting your interview methods to suit various learning and communication styles. Alongside traditional in-person interviews, incorporate remote or asynchronous interviews where candidates respond to pre-recorded questions at their convenience. This flexibility caters to a broader range of preferences, improving the candidate experience.

10. Comply with Regulatory Requirements

Interviews are fraught with legal risks, and it’s essential to stay within the bounds of the law. For instance, questions about marital status, age, nationality, religion, and health are typically off-limits in many jurisdictions because they can lead to discrimination claims. Admittedly, as many as 80% of job seekers won’t even realize a given question is off limits. That may be why as many as one in three recruiters knowingly ask illegal questions.

Nevertheless, this is an area where you don’t want to follow the crowd. Violations risk both litigation and penalties under laws like The Civil Rights Act of 1991. Being aware of and adhering to these legal requirements is crucial for ethical and legal recruitment practices.

11. Seek Professional Assistance Through a PEO

Consider partnering with a PEO for recruitment support, especially if you lack an in-house Human Resources team. A PEO offers tailored HR solutions, including recruitment services, to streamline your hiring process. They have extensive networks and expertise to find top talent suited to your business needs, ensuring a strong cultural fit with your business.

Working with a PEO can speed up hiring by handling tasks like job postings and candidate screenings effectively. Moreover, it can be cost-effective, as you avoid expenses like advertising and hiring platform subscriptions. Plus, a PEO's expertise can find high-quality candidates who fit your company culture and contribute to your talent acquisition efforts.

Teaming up with a PEO can simplify hiring, save costs, and attract top talent, helping you build your dream team.

If you find yourself in need of extra HR support to navigate the fast-paced and constantly changing regulations that govern businesses, CoAdvantage is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals can offer valuable guidance and assistance, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the upcoming changes in federal overtime rules and remain compliant with the latest regulations. Get in touch with us today to discover how CoAdvantage can help provide the necessary support your business needs to effortlessly navigate the complexities of HR regulations.